Nava College Preparatory Academy Home

Welcome to the Official NCPA Website
community service

3/15: Community Service Opportunity

There's a community service opportunity on Saturday, March 15th from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. This opportunity is open to ALL students. Seniors, remember that you can participate to clear absences and tardies. Make sure to register by Friday, March 14th. Spaces are limited! CLICK HERE to sign up.
Hay una oportunidad de ganar horas de servicio comunitario este sábado 15 de marzo de 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Esta oportunidad está disponible para TODOS los estudiantes. Estudiantes del 12 grado, recuerden que pueden participar para aclarar ausencias y tardanzas. Asegúrense de registrarse antes del viernes, 14 de marzo. ¡Lugares so limitadas! HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para registrarse.

Winter Dress Code Reminder

This weather calls for Nava sweaters, jackets & beanies! Students can also wear their own jackets, sweaters and beanies in a solid black color (no stripes, no designs, no logos) or their TJHS athlete sweaters. Only NCPA or Jeff logos are allowed. See our available NCPA winter gear with Mr. Cedillo in room 163 every Tuesday and Thursday.
¡Este clima requiere suéteres, chaquetas y gorros de Nava! Estudiantes también pueden usar su propio suéter, chaqueta o gorro en un color negro sólido (no rayas, no diseños, no logos) o sus suéteres de atleta de TJHS. Solamente logos de NCPA o Jeff son permitidos. Vea nuestro equipo de invierno de NCPA disponible con el Sr. Cedillo en el salón 163 todos los martes y jueves.


Mar 26

Walk to Wellness Parent Workshop

Time: 9 AM – 10:30 AM

Mar 28

Spirit Day: College Friday

Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Mar 29

Community Service Opportunity

Time: 8 AM – 12 PM

Apr 2

Walk to Wellness Parent Workshop

Time: 9 AM – 10:30 AM

Apr 4

Spirit Day: College Friday

Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

News & Announcements


[POSTPONED] March Coffee with Nava

Our March Coffee with Nava has been POSTPONED. Our next session is scheduled for Friday, April 25th at 9:00 a.m.! Learn more about school updates, upcoming events and activities. Parents and guardians can choose to join us in person in the Parent Center or via Zoom (meeting ID: 842 6358 5791). We will see you there!

February Nava Newspaper

Newspaper class presents the February issue of the Nava Newspaper! Visit to see it today!


NCPA will start the district's "NO CELL PHONE POLICY" on Wednesday, January 15, 2025! All students are expected to bring their Yondr pouch daily. All electronics will be placed in the pouch and locked during the school day.

3/21: Early Dismissal at 1:15 p.m.

NCPA will be on a shortened day bell schedule on Friday, March 21, 2025. Start time is at 8:30 a.m. We have EARLY DISMISSAL at 1:15 p.m.
cf english

3/21: College Friday

Nava Knights, remember to use your favorite college shirt/sweater every Friday!

3/21: UCLA Art Show

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of art created by your fellow students. Enjoy free snacks and activities while admiring beautiful pieces of art. See you there!
cs english

3/22: Community Service Opportunity

There's a community service opportunity on Saturday, March 22nd from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. This opportunity is open to ALL students. Seniors, remember that you can participate to clear absences and tardies. Make sure to register by Friday, March 21st. Spaces are limited! Visit to sign up.
wtw english

3/26: Walk to Wellness Workshops

Join our Walk to Wellness Workshops every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. starting February 26th! Click on this event for more details.
pbis english

4/04: PBIS/RP Parent Workshops

Our Healthy Start Navigator, Ms. Gonzalez, will have a PBIS/RP Parent Workshop on Friday, April 4th at 9:00 a.m. in the parent center. See you there!

4/26: College Support Workshop

Join our Saturday College Support Workshops! Register today to receive support with financial aid and college applications. See Ms. Zimmerman if you have any questions.

5/01: Senior Signing Day 2025

Seniors will be sharing their post high school commitments on Thursday, May 1, 2025 during advisory in the auditorium. Make sure to visit to fill out the Signing Day form by Friday, April 11, 2025 in order to qualify for the extra gifts! Tickets for families and friends will be sent home.
spm english

5/01: Senior Parent Meeting (VIRTUAL)

Join our VIRTUAL Senior Parent Meeting on Thursday, May 1, 2025 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for updates and announcements regarding the Class of 2025! This meeting will only be via zoom.

UCLA Clubs on Campus

Knights, don't forget about the amazing clubs we have on campus! You can join at any point of the semester, just make sure to discuss any requirements with the club sponsor.
uniform english

School Uniform

Show pride in yourself and your community by wearing your school uniform. NCPA polos can be purchased at Carrusel. P.E. uniforms and other Nava gear can be purchased on campus.

2024-2025 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Compact is now available

The 2024-2025 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School Parent Compact is now available on the school's website. Parents may also request a hard copy in the Welcome Center.
La Politica de Participacion de Padres y Familias del programa Titulo I 2024-2025 y el Pacto Escolar para Padres esta disponibles en el sitio web se la escuela. Los padres tambien pueden solicitar una copia impresa en el Centro de Bienvenida.

Accolades & Partnerships

  • All Peoples Community Center
  • Beyond The Bell
  • City Year
  • Gear Up 4 LA
  • Los Angeles City College
  • Los Angeles Trade-Tec
  • Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement
  • UCLA
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges